The ATTACHED MASTERCLASS will show you how to heal your attachment with money so that you can attract more money through your business

Your problem is that you are letting your attachment to money dictate how you show up in business and right now it has you showing up with a feeling of pressure and anxiety.

You are overthinking your offers/ products and you undersell and undercharge which is creating low income month after low income month and you feel defeated. 

I will show you how to step away from the overthinking, the self imposed pressure and the under charging so that you can cultivate a light & fun relationship with money which will allow you to show up in business with confidence, passion and leadership which will result in more money.


🦄You are constantly reducing your prices in the hopes people will join your offers quicker

💅🏼You undercharge but overdeliver

💰You get anxious when you sell on your stories

✨You lack confidence when posting your offers on your IG

🧲Slow months in business has you questioning your leadership in business

💕You feel like you avoid asking for the sale 

😇You overthink the offers/ products you sell therefore you feel like you’re constantly not doing enough


Your relationship with money and how it's affecting your business

Are you anxiously attached?

(constantly checking your bank account, not trusting the money will arrive, thinking the worst outcome when selling your offers online, doing more in your business the hopes to receive more money)

Are you avoidant?

(not looking at the money in your bank account, avoiding invoices and payments, not selling out of fear of judgment, not following up people you have sold too, jumping from business to business, not being known for an area of expertise)


THE KICKER: Are you both?!

How to become securely attached

(leading no matter how much money is in your account, showing up with passion no matter what the result is that you are gaining, offer creating and selling based on your worth not based on getting a few bucks, making courageous bold moves)

How to build a strong self confidence in your area of expertise

Understanding your dream client & selling to them and only them

Detaching from the results 

Leading yourself to make continuously courageous investments into future business you


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Available in days
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About your host:

Rebekah Jade

Only a few short years ago after a failed marriage I become a single mum who was so broke to the point that I was waiting for payday and feeding my daughter expired pasta from our pantry because we had no money in the bank to buy food. Due to my failed marriage I was left in a world of debt and didn't have the ability to call in more money therefore I had to file for bankruptcy and in this process I lost everything.. My house was repossessed by the bank, a tow truck was sent out and my car was taken away and my bank accounts were frozen. I was left with NOTHING.

However this was the greatest gift that the divine could of given me as I was able to rebuild my life better and rebuild it MY WAY.

Within a few short years of filing for bankruptcy I was able to release my MONEY blocks and call in more amounts of MONEY than I had ever received before which lead me to buying my Mercedes Benz in cash, live in a 3 bedroom waterfront apartment on the Gold Coast, build an investment portfolio and become a CEO the a multi 6 figure business.

I'm just an ordinary gal who dropped out of school at 15, has no qualification around money, is not a financial advisor however I am here to share with you everything I know about going from broke to BOUJEE!

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